Successful recovery stories from our London practice. We get so many testimonials from happy and grateful clients. Here is a small selection from the huge response we receive.
We love getting this feedback so if you are an ex-client and have not told us about your experience then please do send us your testimonial, we would love to hear from you.
Please email your feedback to info@charterharleystreet.com.
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It took me nearly 2 years to persuade a client to do your course and they are already a different person. The power of the group, with the psych ed, has had, is having such an impact. They are much more aware, reflective and very importantly, empathic. Empathy…. so important. Realising that they are not alone has been/is very powerful for them.
They are realising that although the course is about parenting, it’s actually about them! Hallejuah! And they are having compassion for themselves and empathy for others – such a wonderful change. So thank you.
I’ve been addicted to alcohol for most of my adult life and I have tried numerous therapies, most of them without success, the reason being that I am a rebel at heart and I don’t like being told off.
Charter is kind and caring (they can be tough too) and they helped me a lot, which was a first. They also manage to attract interesting addicts who really want to make an effort, so it’s never boring. Highly recommended.
PARENT – Parenting for Prevention Talk
Hugely informative – hit the mark of addiction in the person and the illness that attacks the family – explored the nature of addiction in a manner that made it understandable.
Mother – codependent
For me, Charter exceeded expectations, I found Group Therapy very helpful and beneficial, even though the thought of exposing myself in front of strangers was initially terrifying. I would recommend it to anyone as being a place of healing and learning.
Charter is a very special place, and the team really care.
I went into outpatient treatment at Charter at the age of 37 after having many different types of treatment over 20 years (NHS and private.) I can honestly say Charter is the first place I have really trusted, and felt I could begin to open up and start my journey on recovery from addiction.
I didn’t believe group therapy was for me, however I took a risk and it’s the best thing I could have done! I’m so grateful to the amazing team who really do care, for the first time ever I feel “I matter”. I have the tools now to keep me well and will continue to work with Charter.
I have hope for a healthier happier life in recovery.
Thank you, Charter.
PARENT – Highgate School Talk
Great to hear you speak at Highgate School last week. Mandy speaks with such passion, enthusiasm and obvious personal experience and knowledge. I have also really enjoyed the ‘In Therapy’ series. I hope there are plans for you to do more.
After almost 16 years of sobriety, life had thrown me some pretty nasty curve balls. I found myself in a dark, lonely, desperate and extremely painful place. In my previous 15 years I had seen many of the best therapists and centres the world has to offer, but one of them topped the list hands down… Charter.
I made the call, listened and got to work. It was the best call I ever made. Charter shone the light on the darkness and made it a safe place for me to step out into the light. With courage, honesty, and compassion, I now show up for life every day, I now show up for me every day.
I am so very grateful to all of the team at Charter. They are professional, they are fun, and most of all, they really really care!
The simple truth is this. When I checked in to Charter I wasn’t in control – mentally, physically and emotionally. When I left three months later, I was. In a very short space of time I learnt so much about myself, my addiction, my illness.
To say Charter helped me recalibrate is an understatement. It was a complete reset, and the intervention I desperately needed to get myself back on track. The work is comprehensive, searching and at times, uncomfortable. But it’s absolutely necessary.
My advice to anyone struggling with addiction who’s thinking about going is very simple. Do it. Throw in the towel. Get yourself into group, open up, get honest. Get some skin in the game.
I think that the time I spent at Charter, as part of the family group, was the most valuable experience of my adult life thus far. What I got from it can be encapsulated by the serenity prayer, which we said together at the end of each meeting. I still say it. I participated in a few of the workshops too, which were helpful in allowing me to understand more about myself, my family of origin and the family I had created.
I found the drama triangle and boundary work really useful and consequently I don’t ever feel that I am running on empty. I am kinder to myself. I have the tools now to avoid the pointless circular arguments and accusations that seemed to be an inevitable part of family life, consequently I am happier.
I don’t need to sort out everyone’s problems and I do my best to keep my side of the street clean. Of course sad and difficult things happen, this is the real world and I am not perfect, but neither is anyone else. I still have along way to go but my successes in so many areas of my life really do encourage me and I am so grateful to all the team at Charter for starting me on the road to recovery.
When someone said they thought I was showing classic signs of codependency I had no idea what they meant! I knew I was tired, struggling, emotional and it felt like I couldn’t cope with anything but I also thought it would pass, surely I was just going through a tough period, we all have them, right? Well in fact I couldn’t have been more wrong…
Codependency for me was about patterns of behaviour and the things I did as a result of them. I knew I was over working, evenings and weekends soon became the norm. I also knew I’d started to drink more when I’d had a bad day just to take the edge off things. Initially I didn’t see this as an issue until I was having more bad days than good.
The turning point for me was actually when I was at my lowest. I felt scared, out of control and I was consumed by emotions I didn’t know how to deal with. On a drive home, after a bad day at work I wondered what would happen if I drove my car into a tree, I was so upset, in that split second that’s what I wanted to do. It wasn’t because I wanted to end my life, it was because I didn’t know how to ask for help, I just wanted someone, anyone to notice how much I was struggling. In my darkest hour I somehow found the strength to say – I Need Help!
It’s still not easy but I’m more aware of my triggers ‘people pleasing and boundaries’ being two of them. I continue to work on these along with my own self-esteem, it does take time, you do have to be patient and I know I’ll have bad days but what I also have today is hope. I take strength from the amazing people I’ve met on my own journey, each day is a day to learn something new, to better understand my triggers and continue to apply what I’ve learnt.
J, grateful addict – OUTPATIENT PROGRAMME
Charter has simply been the turning point in my life so far. It’s an amazing place, quite exceptional. I came in extremely unwell with sex, love, work, internet, money and drug issues even after years in recovery. I committed to both Outpatient and Tertiary and this total immersion made all the difference.
Charter is totally unique in what it does. I was made to feel like an individual, not just a number, like the team absolutely knew that my life was at stake, and that I wasn’t going to be abandoned after only getting half-well. It offered me a chance to get a rock solid foundation for recovery not just in one area but in the whole of my addictive cycle and indeed the whole of my life. In this sense I would say it offers a new and innovative kind of highly flexible, total treatment.
What makes Charter so special is the way that the team work together to create a complete picture of what you need and where you’re at on an almost second by second basis. I felt seen and heard. This made me feel safe enough to get on with the painful risks I needed to take in group to get properly well; the risks I’d spent a whole life avoiding.
I attended the Parenting Workshop by Mandy with 3 other sets of parents. It was so useful and really opened my eyes to my own behaviour and how that affected my child. People always tell me that children don’t come with a manual but the things Mandy taught me feel like a manual.
I now have awareness and a set of tools to really help both of us through the minefield of teenage angst. I will try to use those tools whenever I can and I think I will come for a second session or possibly third as there was so much information to take in. This was probably the most useful help I have ever been given about how to be a parent. I can’t thank you enough. Everybody should attend!
After twenty-five years of searching for answers to many issues relating to myself, my relationships and my children, I had all but given up hope of finding answers that worked to improve my life. In just a few months, that situation has entirely changed thanks to Charter. By working with them, I have found clarity, optimism and gratitude where there was anxiety, regret and resentment; I have found my voice, that was for many years buried, and I am learning how to relate to the world in a new, honest, open-hearted way that is transforming for the better every aspect of my life and that of my family.
Unlike any other therapists I have encountered before, those at Charter combine extraordinary insight and perspicacity with warmth and a genuine desire to help people grow and feel well in themselves. We are not a rich family and we struggle to afford the cost of treatment, but I consider every penny well spent for Charter is giving me the tools I need to make improvements in my life and a level of understanding that will deepen and grow over the years to come. Thank you Charter.
Charter gave me my first real glimpse of freedom of my addiction and the will to face another day free of fear. Every single therapist brought their own particular stance into the rooms, and there was as much laughter as tears.
We were all led by Mandy Saligari, the bravest and most intuitive person I have ever met. I can only say thank you.